Monday, April 13, 2009


so i pretty much have my power point ready! hurrah! now i just need an artist statement :-P i'll have to get on that at some point... like tomorrow hopefully.
i feel like there was something else i should talk about. i thought of it like last week but now i don't recall.

i'm quite ready for summer. i want to ride my bike somewhere and go swimming :-O
oooh one more thing! i'm signed up to do a small metals workshop at the Steel Yard in May :o)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

really lame ideas for my artist statement

I really like drawing in graphite and pen and ink over charcoal. It gives more control. I like to draw sea life and trees, I also like doodling people. I am interested in old buildings, dilapidated structures, Eastern Europe, and travel so these are a few things that I like to incorporate into my work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

postcard image



A couple classes ago we had a speaker come in from the School of the Museum of Fine arts in Boston. I had looked at this school in my senior year in high school, I took a tour guided by a student and I thought it was awful. He didn't bring us in any classrooms and gave a very vague description of the majors. I didn't even bother applying there because the tour made the school seem awful. Having that woman come in and talk to us totally changed my mind about the Museum School! It looks really interesting and I definitely want to apply there! I'm glad she came to talk to us about the school, it seems really interesting!

Monday, March 23, 2009

school stuff!

sitting in class today i had an idea! i think i want to major in small metals and minor in glass blowing! ahh i finally made a decision and i think i'd really like that :o) but i'm still torn about where i want to go to school. i reallllly want to go to mass art but part of me wants to stay here and major in english :-/

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Its been awhile :-O

We had a speaker in class the other day, Sheryl Hunnibell, she was interesting. I didn't really understand what she was talking about, it was just all over the place. Her work looked nice, though :o)
Ooh this stuff is amazing, by the way!
Sweet Leaf Tea