Monday, April 13, 2009


so i pretty much have my power point ready! hurrah! now i just need an artist statement :-P i'll have to get on that at some point... like tomorrow hopefully.
i feel like there was something else i should talk about. i thought of it like last week but now i don't recall.

i'm quite ready for summer. i want to ride my bike somewhere and go swimming :-O
oooh one more thing! i'm signed up to do a small metals workshop at the Steel Yard in May :o)


  1. hey could u post your orange and blue pastel melon piece on your blog, i thought it was so strong and the way u arranged the shapes was well thought out....thanks


  2. that metal workshop sounds really cool!
    I'm in jewelry too.
    I wanted to ask where you made those glass ornaments because I've been looking for a place to learn how to blow glass and make beads.
